
Minard Community Trust is a local charity with specific objects to:

a) to conserve, regenerate and promote restoration of native woodlands in the geographic area of West Loch Fyne as an important part of Scotland’s natural environment for the benefit of the public;

b) to advance the education of the public generally but particularly the education of young people concerning the local wildlife, conservation and preservation and the natural and cultural heritage of the area;

c) to provide, in the interests of social welfare, facilities for recreation and other leisure time occupations available to the public at large with a view to improving their conditions of life;

d) to provide relief for persons suffering from mental and/or physical disability, illness or impairment through the provision of recreational and other activities;

e) to promote and/or provide training in various skills, particularly such skills as will assist residents in West Loch Fyne in obtaining paid employment;

f) to promote, establish and operate other schemes of a charitable nature for the benefit of the community within West Loch Fyne;

g) to relieve poverty among the residents of West Loch Fyne;

h) to promote trade and industry for the benefit ofthe general public.

Minard Community Trust – Memorandum of Association