The public meeting held in the village hall on Wednesday 21 March 2018 was well attended.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the meeting and take part in the conversations. Your input was very welcome.
Participants were ask to discuss four options for the shop drawn from earlier comments made by members of the community. These were:
- to find a new business tenant so that income for the Trust was maintained and possible services available in the village
- to seek planning permission for change of use and to convert the shop into a flat for rental
- to use the shop space as a more private space available for rental by smaller groups and professionals providing services (eg health and wellbeing). This would be a type of Community Hub for the village.
- to sell the shop and use the income to benefit the community in other ways
Other options could be added if groups thought they were worth discussing.
The meeting had an open format with smaller groups in discussion so that more people had an opportunity to contribute and more sensitive topics could be covered that may not be raised in a more formal meeting with a ‘top table’. Members of the Management Committee moved amongst the different groups to get a feel for how the discussion was developing.
The photos below give a feel for the event and suggestion made on the night.
The output of the event was discussed at the next Management Committee meeting and the Trust will offer the space for use by community groups and professionals on a hiring basis similar to the village hall. Whilst this is happening, efforts will be made to try and secure a new tenant.
The progress of the new arrangement will be reviewed later in the year and a decision taken on how to proceed for the long term.